Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Friday, September 11, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Scratch Code Making For My Buddy At Awapuni Primary School Fun Run


I did a story about the fun run I did with my buddy at Awapuni Primary School, The easy part was embedding it to my blog, and the hard part was coding it to tell the story for my buddy at Awapuni Primary School, next time I should add more coding and make my character do more stuff and I hope he likes it.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Egg Throw


The easiest part was adding the decorations, and the hard part was finding the template, the learning information is cybersmart and learning new things about websites, I hope you guys like it any feedback would do, and our Team name is Don't yolk with us.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

New Subject in Class- Sharp 1 Herman's Magpie

This is a new subject in my class, Sharp I am in group 1 and the what we do is we read the, story we unpack the sentences, and learn some new words, it is fun because you can learn some new words that  you have never heard before, and the activities that our teachers give are fun and challenging.


Friday, August 14, 2020

BeFunky Website-Juice Wrld 999

Today my whole class did a collage of photos about some stuff, the part that was easy to do was posting it to my blog, the part I found hard to do was looking for Juice Wrld pictures, the part that I really enjoyed was the relief of finding good pictures about Juice Wrld,Next time I need to add more colour but I hope you enjoy this, R.I.P Jarad "Juice Wrld" Higgins.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

My First Comic

Today my class did a comic that had to be cringey and cheesy, it had to be about blogs and stuff, this is my first ever comic, it was confusing at the start but I got better using it, the best part about making this comic was finishing.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Hi guys today my class did a piskel character and this will be the character that would be controlling the game, this character is from a video game called Brawl Stars, he would be controlling the whole game that I will make maybe next wednesday and I hope you like the GIF. morning side for life

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Photo challenge

My whole class did a photo challenge the first photo is the meaning of my name the ocean, the second photo is my age, the third photo is how many cousins I have, the fourth photo is what I want to be when I grow up a chef, the fifth photo is the rise value that represents me integrity , the sixth photo is the animal that I love a puppy/dog, the seventh photo is the subject that I love P.E, the eight one is the food that is my favourite lamb shank curry, the ninth one is my favourite sport rugby, the tenth one is my only big brother, the eleventh one is my P.E team name the Outlaws the final twelveth one is my dream holiday Hawaii. Morning Side For Life!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Hi guys today hub Manawanui did a poster or animation about lockdown and what was the most boringest part in lockdown and the funnest part, here is my poster hope you enjoy it.